Abuse Awareness for Adults

The Dream League, following First Colony Little League, uses the Little League Abuse Awareness Training course to help ensure adult volunteers are educated and properly prepared to work with our players. This is required for all adult volunteers. Upon completion of the course, the volunteer is given a certificate of completions that is added to the volunteer's registration.

Below are detailed instructions for all volunteers.

All Volunteers

To take the course:

  1. Create an account.
  2. Input your personal information.
  3. Your associated league is First Colony Little League.
  4. Wait for email verification code - then enter and create a password.
  5. Take course 
    1. Please note – upon completion you receive a check mark that you passed. 
  6. Little League will email a certificate of completion to the email you used to create the account.
  7. Upload certificate to your Dream League account under your profile.
  8. Log into your Dream League account.
  9. Select My Profile. 
  10. Scroll to the bottom of the form – Abuse Training, chose Select.
  11. Select your certificate from your device.
  12. Select Save at the bottom of the page.