Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, Umpire, 

Team Parent and Board Member 

Registration Instructions

All parents or adult Volunteers will need to register as a Volunteer each season.

Little League requires all adult volunteers including Coaches, Assistant Coaches, Managers, Umpires, Board Members and Team Parents complete an annual background check.  Upon registration, all Volunteers will receive a separate email sent by J. D. Palatine (JDP) to complete their Little League Registration and background check information form.  Please follow the link in the JDP email to proceed through their process.

The League requires all adult Volunteers to complete annual Abuse Awareness for Adults training to ensure our Volunteers are properly educated and prepared to work with our players. 

  • USA Baseball: Abuse Awareness for Adults required
Little League also requires Coaches to complete Concussion Training each season and recommends this training for all other adult Volunteers each season.

  • CDC HEADS Up to Youth Sports: Online Training for Coaches - required for Coaches.
  • CDC HEADS Up to Youth Sports: Online Training for Coaches - recommended for all other adult volunteers.


There are several options for Volunteer registration:

  • If you’d like your own account, separate from a player registration, please create an account and register.
  • If you already have an account created for player registration, you can log into that account and use it for your Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, Umpire, Team Parent or Board Member Volunteer enrollment.  Please make sure you are enrolled as a Volunteer for the 2024 season.  You will be asked to select the proper program (season), Offering (Division) and enrollment as what type of Volunteer - Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager or Team Parent.
  • If you do not have an account, please create an account to begin the enrollment process. Please select the proper program (2023 season), Offering (Division) and enrollment as what type of Volunteer - Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager or Team Parent.  If you’d like to register your player(s) you may do so from this account.

If you are returning, please sign into your account and proceed, select the 2024 season, Offering (Division).

*** Angels in the Outfield have a separate registration system**

Proceed to Registration

1. Volunteer enter your information as a parent/guardian

Abuse and concussion certificates can be uploaded in the profile section of your account. You can log in at any time and upload these documents.

2. If you’d like to enroll your child as a player, add any children and associated information

3. You have the option to add additional parent/guardian and their associated information if desired

  • Only enter an email address if different and you want that parent to receive emails separately 

4. Select Enroll button 

5. To enroll a Coach, Manager, Asst. Coach, Umpire, Team Parent or Board Member select the name as “Enrollee”.

  • Volunteer enrollment type is automatically selected for Adults
    • Program - Defaults to Dream League Spring 2024
    • Select Offering – Dream League or Senior Dream League
    • Select Volunteer type (Coach, Asst. Coach, Manager, Umpire, Team Parent)
    • Select Add enrollment button 
6. Player enrollment if desired – Select Player/Child name as “Enrollee”

  • Player enrollment type is automatically selected for children
    • Program - Defaults to Dream League Spring 2024
    • Select Offering – Dream League or Senior Dream League
    • Select - Add enrollment button 
7. If you’d like to enroll an additional player(s), repeat the above steps.

8. Review CART to make sure you have enrolled each participant in the desired offering.

9. Select Proceed to checkout button to enter additional information for each enrollee. The prompts will ask for: 

  • Volunteer enrollment for Coach, Asst. Coach, Manager, Umpire, Team Parent or Board Member:
    • Shirt size
    • Read/sign Communicable Disease waiver/release
    • Read/sign Activities Release and Waiver of Liability 
  • b. Player enrollment if selected:
    • Add player’s sports nickname for Dream League games
    • Uniform sizes
    • Any special requests if wanted
    • Emergency contact information
    • Read/sign Communicable Disease waiver/release
    • Read/sign Activities Release and Waiver of Liability
10. Proceed to checkout.  Select Place Order to complete the Registration process. 

11. Volunteer will receive an Order Confirmation email.